October 26, 2011

Classroom Blogging

I was recently invited into Mrs. Lindgren's 7th grade science class to setup a KidBlog account for her students and she has already posted her first entry!  It's worth noting that Mrs. Lindgren is not a stranger to blogging as her classes used KidBlog in the past.  Moving forward, she has posted a video and is having the students respond within the private community of her "Blue Team Science Class" blog.

If you are currently blogging in the classroom...share a comment below and let us know what you are using and how you are using it.  The best way to learn is to hear about the successes of a peer.

Now What?

If you are interested in setting up blogging in your classroom, let me know!  I was able to create a class account for Mrs. Lindgren as well as upload all of her students and even demonstrate how to use KidBlog to all of her classes.


Brandt Schneider said...

I use blogger and classblogmeister.

Mike Oberdick said...

Anyone using anything else?