image source: http://academiclink.stevensonuniversity.org/files/welcback.jpg
First of all, for those of you who have been following this blog, my wife essentially, thank you. I really enjoy sharing my experiences with you and talking about what you are doing in your classrooms with technology. As you may already know, this blog was intended to be just a goal of mine last year at the middle school and at the completion of the school year the goal was essentially deemed "complete". However, anyone who knows anything about this "technology" thing, knows that it is here to stay and that it is not something that can be sufficiently addressed by a school goal and then forgotten. With that being said, I will continue to post to this blog during the school year [applause] sharing some of the classroom tools that I am using with my computer class students at the middle school.
Now for some of you (my wife?), this is exciting news. For the remainder of you, this is about as exciting as watching paint dry. That's okay. As the old adage goes, "you can lead a teacher to an ocean of technology, but you cannot force them to surf" (Oberdick, 2010). If you decide to forge on, I have a request. This year I would really like to see some collaboration as a result of this blog's information. What do I mean? Simply put, if you are trying out some of this stuff...post a comment and let us know about it. Or, respond to someone else who commented about their experience. If you really want to get brave, write up a paragraph detailing your technology excursion and send it over to me via e-mail and I will post it here. Let's use this online space the way it was intended to be used: collaboratively.
So...if you are with me, you essentially have two options:
1. Subscribe in a reader (e.g. Google Reader, Bloglines). If you have no idea what a reader is (no...not someone who literally reads the blog to you) then see number 2.
2. Subscribe via e-mail using the tool to the right of this entry by putting in your school e-mail address and hitting submit. (I promise not to sell your e-mail address to anyone, unless of course they pay me.)
So, that's all for now. I will see some of you in cyberspace and for those of you who will not be coming along on this ride, we will be here, waiting to assist you on your journey when you are ready.
1 comment:
A wonderful resource for information regarding technology tools is a blog called Free Technology for Teachers. http://www.freetech4teachers.com/
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