October 28, 2011

Classroom Jeopardy using Smart Notebook

I remember when I was a student back in the day (not all that long ago) and we had a test coming up in class. My teacher would put together some watered-down (created on the chalkboard) equivalent to Jeopardy and the class would absolutely love it.  We would get really into the score and kind of forget that we were reviewing for an assessment.  Today, Jeopardy has evolved in the classroom in a big way.  I submit for your approval my version of Jeopardy using the program Smart Notebook.  It can be modified to fit any content area and completely customized.

Now What?

If you have a Smartboard in your room...edit this file and have some fun.  Even if you don't have a Smartboard you can play the game if you have the Notebook software installed on your computer.  If you make any changes to the game, drop a comment and share what you've done.

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